The Architecture of the Lost Temple of Hercules Gaditanus and Its Levantine AssociationsOctober 2004 (108.4) ArticleBy William Edwin Mierse
The Sanctuary of the Divine Palikoi (Rocchicella di Mineo, Sicily): Fieldwork from 1995 to 2001April 2003 (107.2) Field ReportBy Laura Maniscalco and Brian E. McConnell
The Christianization of Space Along the Via Appia: Changing Landscape in the Suburbs of RomeJanuary 2003 (107.1) ArticleBy Lucrezia Spera
The Roman Centuriated Landscape: Conception, Genesis, and Development as Inferred from the Ager Tarraconensis CaseJuly 2011 (115.3) ArticleBy Josep Maria Palet and Hèctor A. Orengo
Redistribution in Aegean Palatial Societies. A View from Outside the Palace: The Sanctuary and the Damos in Mycenaean Economy and SocietyApril 2011 (115.2) ForumOpen AccessBy Susan Lupack
Mapping Devotion in Roman Dura Europos: A Reconsideration of the Synagogue CeilingJuly 2010 (114.3) ArticleBy Karen B. Stern