July 2008 (112.3)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013


Museum Review Editorial Statement(pp. 531–532)

Open Access

By Beth Cohen

Field Reports

Beidha in Jordan: A Dionysian Hall in a Nabataean Landscape(pp. 465–507)

By Patricia Maynor Bikai, Chrysanthos Kanellopoulos, and Shari Lee Saunders


Archaeology in Jordan, 2007 Season(pp. 509–528)

By Stephen H. Savage, Donald R. Keller, and Christopher A. Tuttle

Online Museum Reviews

Minoans in New York

Open Access

By Robert B. Koehl

Book Reviews

Conservation of Ruins

Open Access

Edited by John Ashurst

Reviewed by Mary Stieber

Imperialism, Art and Restitution

Open Access

Edited by John Henry Merryman

Reviewed by Louise Tythacott

The Rise of Bronze Age Society

Open Access

By Kristian Kristiansen and Thomas B. Larsson

Reviewed by Stephen Shennan

Gordion Seals and Sealings: Individuals and Society

Open Access

By Elspeth R.M. Dusinberre

Reviewed by Suzanne Herbordt

Milesische Forschungen. Vol. 4, Der Apollon-Delphinios-Kult in Milet und Die Neujahrsprozession nach Didyma: Ein neuer Kommentar Der Sog. Molpoi-Satzung

Open Access

By Alexander Herda

Reviewed by Matthew Gonzales

Kenchreai. Eastern Port of Corinth. Vol. 6, Ivory, Bone, and Related Wood Finds

Open Access

By Wilma Olch Stern and Danae Hadjilazaro Thimme

Reviewed by Roger B. Ulrich

The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii. Vol. 3, The Finds: A Contextual Study

Open Access

By Penelope M. Allison

Reviewed by Robert I. Curtis

Le verre dans l’empire romain: Exposition présentée à Florence, Museo degli Argenti, Musée “des Argents,” Palais Pittidu mars au 31 octobre 2004

Open Access

By Marco Beretta and Giovanni di Pasquale

Reviewed by Janet Duncan Jones

Heiligtümer in Ostia

Open Access

By Anna-Katharina Rieger

Reviewed by Michael Heinzelmann

The Small Temple: A Roman Imperial Cult Building in Petra, Jordan

Open Access

By Sara Karz Reid

Reviewed by Stephan G. Schmid

The Roman Clan: The Gens from Ancient Ideology to Modern Anthropology

Open Access

By C.J. Smith

Reviewed by Lisa A. Hughes

Roman Portrait Statuary from Aphrodisias

Open Access

By R.R.R. Smith

Reviewed by Zahra Newby

L’Agora de Palmyre

Open Access

By Christiane Delplace and Jacqueline Dentzer-Feydey

Reviewed by Susan B. Downey

Women in Roman Britain [and] Roman Women

Open Access

Women in Roman Britain, by Lindsay Allason-Jones; Roman Women, by Eve D’Ambra

Reviewed by Glenys Davies