January 2010 (114.1)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013


A Letter from the Editor-in-Chief(pp. 1–1)

Open Access

By Naomi J. Norman

Forum Articles

Kouroi and Statistics(pp. 103–128)

Open Access

By Jane B. Carter and Laura J. Steinberg


Hearsay About the “Keros Hoard”(pp. 181–185)

Open Access

By George Papamichelakis and Colin Renfrew

Print Museum Reviews

Looking at Ancient Greece in Provence(pp. 187–193)

By Annie Verbanck-Piérard

Book Reviews

From the Harpy Tomb to the Wonders of Ephesus: British Archaeologists in the Ottoman Empire 1840–1880 [and] The British Consular Service in the Aegean and the Collection of Antiquities for the British Museum

Open Access

From the Harpy Tomb to the Wonders of Ephesus, by Debbie Challis; The British Consular Service in the Aegean and the Collection of Antiquities for the British Museum, by Lucia Patrizio Gunning

Reviewed by Deborah Harlan

Zooarchaeology [and] Quantitative Paleozoology

Open Access

Zooarchaeology, by Elizabeth J. Reitz and Elizabeth S. Wing; Quantitative Paleozoology, by R. Lee Lyman

Reviewed by Michael MacKinnon

Ancient Technology

Open Access

By John W. Humphrey

Reviewed by Thilo Rehren

Hot Pursuit: Integrating Anthropology in Search of Ancient Glass-Blowers

Open Access

By Alysia Fischer

Reviewed by Janet Duncan Jones

New Approaches to Old Stones: Recent Studies of Ground Stone Artifacts [and] Assyrian Stone Vessels and Related Material in the British Museum

Open Access

New Approaches to Old Stones, edited by Yorke M. Rowan and Jennie R. Ebeling; Assyrian Stone Vessels and Related Material in the British Museum, by Ann Searight, Julian Reade, and Irving Finkel

Reviewed by Andrew Bevan

Akh Purattim. Vol. 2, Les rives de l’Euphrate

Open Access

Edited by Jean-Claude Margueron, Olivier Rouault, and Pierre Lombard

Reviewed by Edgar Peltenburg

Jordan: An Archaeological Reader

Open Access

Edited by Russell B. Adams

Reviewed by Peter M. Fischer

The Cost of Death: The Social and Economic Value of Ancient Egyptian Funerary Art in the Rameside Period

Open Access

By Kathlyn M. Cooney

Reviewed by Karen Exell

The Cave of the Cyclops: Mesolithic and Neolithic Networks in the Northern Aegean, Greece. Vol. 1, Intra-Site Analysis, Local Industries, and Regional Site Distribution

Open Access

By Adamantios Sampson

Reviewed by Nikos Efstratiou

Burning Bulls, Broken Bones: Sacrificial Ritual in the Context of Palace Period Minoan Religion

Open Access

By Robert James Cromarty

Reviewed by Nanno Marinatos

Monastiraki Katalimata: Excavation of a Cretan Refuge Site, 1993–2000

Open Access

By Krzysztof Nowicki

Reviewed by Barbara J. Hayden

Testing the Hinterland: The Work of the Boeotia Survey (1989–1991) in the Southern Approaches to the City of Thespiai

Open Access

By John Bintliff, Phil Howard, and Anthony Snodgrass

Reviewed by David K. Pettegrew

Greek Sculpture: Function, Materials, and Techniques in the Archaic and Classical Periods

Open Access

Edited by Olga Palagia

Reviewed by Hilda E. Westervelt

Corpus der boiotischen Grab- und Weihreliefs des 6. bis 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.

Open Access

By Valia Schild-Xenidou

Reviewed by Geoff Adams

Distorted Ideals in Greek Vase-Painting: The World of Mythological Burlesque

Open Access

By David Walsh

Reviewed by Tyler Jo Smith

Historische Landeskunde und Epigraphik in Griechenland: Akten des Symposiums veranstaltet aus Anlass des 100. Todestages von H.G. Lolling (1848–1894) in Athen vom 28. bis 30.9.1994

Open Access

Edited by Klaus Fittschen

Reviewed by Gerald V. Lalonde

Theoroi and Initiates in Samothrace: The Epigraphical Evidence

Open Access

By Nora M. Dimitrova

Reviewed by Kathryn Simonsen

Tebtynis IV: Les Habitations à l’est du temple de Soknebtynis

Open Access

By Gisèle Hadji-Minaglou

Reviewed by Nicola Aravecchia

Constructions of Childhood in Ancient Greece and Italy

Open Access

Edited by Ada Cohen and Jeremy B. Rutter

Reviewed by Barbara A. Olsen

Roman Pottery: Fine Ware Imports

Open Access

By John W. Hayes

Reviewed by George W.M. Harrison

La Gaule narbonnaise: De la conquête romaine au III siécle apr. J.-C.

Open Access

By Pierre Gros

Reviewed by Caroline Downing

Bet She’an. Vol. 1, Nysa-Scythopolis: The Caesareum and the Odeum

Open Access

By Gabriel Mazor and Arfan Najjar

Reviewed by Moshe Fischer

Field O: The “Synagogue” Site

Open Access

By Marylinda Govaars, Marie Spiro, and L. Michael White

Reviewed by Jodi Magness

Petra, The Mountain of Aaron: The Finnish Archaeological Project in Jordan. Vol. 1, The Church and the Chapel

Open Access

By Zbigniew T. Fiema and Jaakko Frösén

Reviewed by Bert de Vries

Books Received

List of Books Received

Open Access