October 2012 (116.4)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013


Archaeology in Jordan, 2010–2011 Seasons(pp. 693–750)

By Donald R. Keller, Barbara A. Porter, and Christopher A. Tuttle

Book Reviews

Sifting the Soil of Greece: The Early Years of the British School at Athens (1886–1919)

Open Access

By David W.J. Gill

Reviewed by Gerald Cadogan

Mummies in Nineteenth Century America: Ancient Egyptians as Artifacts

Open Access

By S.J. Wolfe and Robert Singerman

Reviewed by Jeffrey Mifflin

The Rhyton from Danilo: Structure and Symbolism of a Middle Neolithic Cult-Vessel

Open Access

By Omer Rak

Reviewed by Andrew M.T. Moore

Early Bronze Age Goods Exchange in the Southern Levant: A Marxist Perspective

Open Access

By Ianir Milevski

Reviewed by Felix Höflmayer

Syro-Hittite Monumental Art and the Archaeology of Performance

Open Access

By Alessandra Gilibert

Reviewed by James F. Osborne

A Historical Geography of Anatolia in the Old Assyrian Colony Period

Open Access

By Gojko Barjamovic

Reviewed by Karen Radner

Animal Husbandry in Ancient Israel: A Zooarchaeological Perspective on Livestock Exploitation, Herd Management and Economic Strategies

Open Access

By Aharon Sasson

Reviewed by Aren M. Maeir

Metallurgy: Understanding How, Learning Why. Studies in Honor of James D. Muhly

Open Access

Edited by Philip P. Betancourt and Susan C. Ferrence

Reviewed by Nicholas G. Blackwell

Current Approaches to Religion in Ancient Greece: Papers Presented at a Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, 17–19 April 2008

Open Access

Edited by Matthew Haysom and Jenny Wallensten

Reviewed by Ilaria Bultrighini

Cruelty and Sentimentality: Greek Attitudes to Animals, 600–300 BC

Open Access

By Louise Calder

Reviewed by Seth D. Pevnick

Ἄρτεμις Βραυρωνία: Λατρευτικά ἀγάλματα καί ἀναθήματα ἀπό τά ἱερά τῆς θεᾶς στή Βραυρώνα καί τήν Ἀκρόπολη τῆς Ἀθήνας

Open Access

By Giorgos Despinis

Reviewed by Nassos Papalexandrou

Becoming Good Democrats and Wives: Civic Education and Female Socialization on the Parthenon Frieze

Open Access

By Burkhard Fehr

Reviewed by Jenifer Neils

Letter and Report on the Discoveries at Herculaneum

Open Access

By Johann Joachim Winckelmann. Translated by Carol C. Mattusch

Reviewed by I.C. McIlwaine

Roman Toilets: Their Archaeology and Cultural History

Open Access

Edited by Gemma C.M. Jansen, Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow, and Eric M. Moormann

Reviewed by Eric Poehler

Tales of the Barbarians: Ethnography and Empire in the Roman West

Open Access

By Greg Woolf

Reviewed by Colleen Cummings

Apolline Project. Vol. 1, Studies on Vesuvius’ North Slope and the Bay of Naples

Open Access

Edited by Girolamo F. De Simone and Roger T. Macfarlane

Reviewed by Virginia L. Campbell

Die Ehrenbögen in Pompeji

Open Access

By Klaus Müller and Valentin Kockel

Reviewed by Fred S. Kleiner

Hispania and the Roman Mediterranean, AD 100–700: Ceramics and Trade

Open Access

By Paul Reynolds

Reviewed by J. Theodore Peña

Roman Mosaics of Britain. Vol. 4, Western Britain

Open Access

By Stephen R. Cosh and David S. Neal

Reviewed by Darrell J. Rohl

Finds from the Frontier: Material Culture in the 4th–5th Centuries

Open Access

Edited by Rob Collins and Lindsay Allason-Jones

Reviewed by Marcus Zagermann

Books Received

List of Books Received

Open Access

AJA Index

Volume 116 (2012) Index

Open Access