April 2008 (112.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013


Book Reviews Editorial Statement(pp. 353–353)

Open Access

By Pedar W. Foss and Rebecca K. Schindler

Forum Articles

The Keros Hoard: Some Further Discussion(pp. 279–294)

Open Access

By Peggy Sotirakopoulou

Forum Responses

The Keros Hoard: Remaining Questions(pp. 295–298)

Open Access

By Colin Renfrew

The Keros Hoard Revisited(pp. 299–305)

Open Access

By Pat Getz-Gentle

Print Museum Reviews

The Painting of Ancient Sculpture(pp. 347–351)

By R. Ross Holloway

Online Museum Reviews

Ancient Gardens from Babylon to Rome

Open Access

By Annalisa Marzano

Book Reviews

Practical and Theoretical Geoarchaeology

Open Access

By Paul Goldberg and Richard I. MacPhail

Reviewed by Joseph Schuldenrein

Weights in Context: Bronze Age Weighing Systems of the Eastern Mediterranean Chronology, Typology, Material and Archaeological Contexts

Open Access

Edited by M.E. Alberti, E. Ascalone, and L. Peyronel

Reviewed by Judith Weingarten

Performance, Power and the Art of the Aegean Bronze Age

Open Access

By Senta C. German

Reviewed by Anastasia Dakouri-Hild

The Nubian Pharaohs: Black Kings of the Nile

Open Access

By Charles Bonnet and Dominique Valbelle

Reviewed by Krzysztof Grzymski

The Chronology of the Base-Ring Ware and Bichrome Wheelmade Ware

Open Access

Edited by P. Åström

Reviewed by Louise Steel

Cretan Sanctuaries and Cults: Continuity and Change from Late Minoan IIIC to the Archaic Period [and] Celebrations: Sanctuaries and the Vestiges of Cult Activity

Open Access

Cretan Sanctuaries and Cults, edited by Mieke Prent; Celebrations, edited by Michael Wedde

Reviewed by Emily Miller Bonney

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Leipzig Antiken-Museum 3: Attic Red-Figure Cups

Open Access

By Susanne Pfisterer-Haas

Reviewed by Irma Wehgartner

From Evagoras I to the Ptolemies: The Transition from the Classical to the Hellenistic Period in Cyprus. Proceedings of the International Archaeological Conference, Nicosia, 29–30 November 2002

Open Access

Edited by Pavlos Flourentzos

Reviewed by Kristina Winther Jacobsen

Drei Hanghäuser in Thugga: Maison des Trois Masques, Maison du Labyrinthe, Maison de Dionysios et d’Ulysse

Open Access

By Rainer Stutz

Reviewed by Simon Ellis

Survey and Excavation: Mons Claudianus 1987–1993. Vol. 3, Ceramic Vessels and Related Objects

Open Access

By Roberta Tomber, Kathryn Knowles, Donald Bailey, and Ross Thomas

Reviewed by Colin Adams

A Woman’s Place: House Churches in Earliest Christianity

Open Access

By Carolyn Osiek and Margaret Y. MacDonald

Reviewed by Joan R. Branham