January 2006 (110.1)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013

Field Reports

Investigating the Early Pottery Neolithic of Northern Syria: New Evidence from Tell Sabi Abyad(pp. 123–156)

By Peter M.M.G. Akkermans, René Cappers, Chiara Cavallo, Olivier Nieuwenhuyse, Bonnie Nilhamn and Iris N. Otte

Print Review Articles

Three Studies of Ancient Near Eastern Iconography(pp. 161–165)

By Stephanie Lynn Budin

Online Review Articles

Archaeological CDs

Open Access

By John G. Younger

Book Reviews

The Archaeology of Religious Hatred in the Roman and Early Medieval World

Open Access

By Eberhard Sauer

Reviewed by Deirdre O’Sullivan

Swedish Excavations at Sinda, Cyprus: Excavations Conducted by Arne Furumark 1947–1948

Open Access

By Arne Furumark and Charles M. Adelman

Reviewed by Jennifer M. Webb

Scarabs, Scaraboids, Seals, and Seal Impressions from Medinet Habu

Open Access

By Emily Teeter

Reviewed by Joyce Haynes

Miletos: A History

Open Access

By Alan M. Greaves

Reviewed by Richard Posamentir

Griechische Keramik im kulturellen Kontext. Akten des internationalen Vasen-symposions in Kiel vom 24. bis 8.9.2001 veranstaltet durch das Archäologische Institut der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Open Access

Edited by Bernard Schmaltz and Magdalene Söldner

Reviewed by Elizabeth Langridge-Noti

Boats and Shipwrecks of Ireland

Open Access

By Colin Breen and Wes Forsythe

Reviewed by John Waddell

Roman Brooches in Britain: A Technological and Typological Study Based on the Richborough Collection

Open Access

By Justine Bailey and Sarnia Butcher

Reviewed by Richard Hingley

Römerzeitliche Schiffsfunde in der Datenbank Römerzeitliche Schiffsfunde in der Datenbank “Navis I”

Open Access

Edited by Allard Mees and Barbara Pferdehirt

Reviewed by Aleydis Van de Moortel

The Late Roman Church at Maroni Petrera. Survey and Salvage Excavations 1990–1997, and Other Traces of Roman Remains in the Lower Maroni Valley, Cyprus

Open Access

By Sturt W. Manning et al.

Reviewed by Tassos C. Papacostas