October 2009 (113.4)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013

Field Reports

A New Plan for an Ancient Italian City: Gabii Revealed(pp. 629–642)

By Jeffrey A. Becker, Marcello Mogetta, and Nicola Terrenato

State of the Discipline

Greek Vase Painting(pp. 599–627)

Open Access

By John H. Oakley

Online Review Articles

Coroplastic Studies in the Early 21st Century

Open Access

By Jaimee P. Uhlenbrock

Book Reviews

Archives, Ancestors, Practices: Archaeology in the Light of Its History

Open Access

Edited by Nathan Schlanger and Jan Nordbladh

Reviewed by Alicia J.M. Colson

Europe Between the Oceans: 9000 B.C.–A.D. 1000

Open Access

By Barry Cunliffe

Reviewed by Janet E. Levy

Le ceramica in archeologia: Antiche tecniche di lavorazione e moderni metodi di indagine

Open Access

By Ninina Cuomo di Caprio

Reviewed by Daniele Malfitana

Egyptology Today

Open Access

Edited by Richard H. Wilkinson

Reviewed by Kei Yamamoto

Israelite Religions: An Archaeological and Biblical Survey

Open Access

By Richard S. Hess

Reviewed by Carol Meyers

A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and Their World. Vol. 1

Open Access

Edited by Yves Duhoux and Anna Morpurgo Davies

Reviewed by John G. Younger

La Coroplastie Chypriote Archaïque: Identitiés Culturelles at Politique l’époque des Royaumes

Open Access

By Sabine Fourrier

Reviewed by Jan-Marc Henke

Uplands of Ancient Sicily and Calabria: The Archaeology of Landscape Ritual

Open Access

Edited by Matthew Fitzjohn

Reviewed by Jeanette M. Cooper

Images of Ancient Greek Pederasty: Boys Were Their Gods

Open Access

By Andrew Lear and Eva Cantarella

Reviewed by James Robson

Il Papiro di Artemidoro (P. Artemid.)

Open Access

Edited by Claudio Gallazzi, Bärbel Kramer, and Salvatore Settis

Reviewed by Arthur Verhoogt

The Coins and the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Economy of Palestine

Open Access

By Jane Derose Evans

Reviewed by Liane Houghtalin

AJA Index

Volume 113 (2009) Index

Open Access