October 2016 (120.4)

Browse the content of the issue below.


Archaeology in Jordan, 2014 and 2015 Seasons

By Glenn J. Corbett, Donald R. Keller, Barbara A. Porter, and China P. Shelton

Book Reviews

The Archaeology of Kinship: Advancing Interpretations and Contributions to Theory

Open Access

By Bradley E. Ensor

Reviewed by Katherine Harrell

Death and Changing Rituals: Function and Meaning in Ancient Funerary Practices

Open Access

Edited by J. Rasmus Brandt, Marina Prusac, and Håkon Roland

Reviewed by Borja Legarra Herrero

Community and Identity in Ancient Egypt: The Old Kingdom Cemetery at Qubbet el-Hawa

Open Access

By Deborah Vischak

Reviewed by Leslie Anne Warden

The Old Kingdom Town at Buhen

Open Access

By David O’Connor

Reviewed by Christian Knoblauch

Communities of Style: Portable Luxury Arts, Identity, and Collective Memory in the Iron Age Levant

Open Access

By Marian H. Feldman

Reviewed by Erika Fischer and Dirk Wicke

L’art du siège néo-assyrien

Open Access

By Fabrice De Backer

Reviewed by Jan P. Stronk

The Prehistory of the Paximadi Peninsula, Euboea

Open Access

By Tracey Cullen, Lauren E. Talalay, Donald R. Keller, Lia Karimali, and William R. Farrand

Reviewed by John F. Cherry

Fouilles exécutées à Malia: Les abords Nord-Est du palais I. Les recherches et l’histoire du secteur

Open Access

Edited by Pascal Darcque

Reviewed by Elisabetta Borgna

The Archaeology of Greek and Roman Troy

Open Access

By Charles Brian Rose

Reviewed by Nicholas K. Rauh

L’alabastre attique: Origine, forme et usages

Open Access

By Isabelle Algrain

Reviewed by Panayota Badinou

Corpus vasorum antiquorum. Germany 97. Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Skulpturensammlung 2: Attisch rotfigurige Keramik

Open Access

By Eva Hofstetter-Dolega

Reviewed by Victoria Sabetai

Industrial Religion: The Saucer Pyres of the Athenian Agora

Open Access

By Susan I. Rotroff

Reviewed by Sarah A. James

Children in the Hellenistic World: Statues and Representation

Open Access

By Olympia Bobou

Reviewed by John H. Oakley

Les potiers d’Étrurie et leur monde: Contacts, échanges, transferts. Hommages à Mario A. Del Chiaro

Open Access

Edited by Laura Ambrosini and Vincent Jolivet

Reviewed by Dominique Frère

The North African Boom: Evaluating Economic Growth in the Roman Province of Africa Proconsularis (146 B.C.–A.D. 439)

Open Access

By Matthew S. Hobson

Reviewed by David L. Stone

Books Received

List of Books Received

Open Access

AJA Index

Volume 120 (2016) Index

Open Access