April 2019 (123.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.


A Letter from the Editor-in-Chief(pp. 167–167)

Open Access

By Jane B. Carter

Field Reports

Shifting Networks and Community Identity at Tell Tayinat in the Iron I (ca. 12th to Mid 10th Cent. B.C.E.)(pp. 291–333)

Open Access

By Lynn Welton, Timothy Harrison, Stephen Batiuk, Elif Ünlü, Brian Janeway, Doğa Karakaya, David Lipovitch, David Lumb, and James Roames

Book Reviews

The Science of Roman History: Biology, Climate, and the Future of the Past

Open Access

Edited by Walter Scheidel

Reviewed by Benjamin Graham

Political Landscapes of Capital Cities

Open Access

Edited by Jessica Joyce Christie, Jelena Bogdanović, and Eulogio Guzmán

Reviewed by Thomas E. Emerson

Textiles and Cult in the Ancient Mediterranean

Open Access

Edited by Cecilie Brøns and Marie-Louise Nosch

Reviewed by E.J.W. Barber

Tell Kazel au Bronze Récent: Études céramiques

Open Access

By Leila Badre, Emmanuelle Capet, and Barbara Vitale

Reviewed by Celia J. Bergoffen

Walking Through Jordan: Essays in Honor of Burton MacDonald

Open Access

Edited by Michael Neeley, Geoffrey Clark, and P.M. Michèle Daviau

Reviewed by Walter Ward

Landscape Dynamics and Settlement Patterns in Northern Anatolia During the Roman and Byzantine Period

Open Access

Edited by Kristina Winther-Jacobsen and Lâtife Summerer

Reviewed by Emanuele E. Intagliata

Mycenaeans Up To Date: The Archaeology of the North-Eastern Peloponnese. Current Concepts and New Directions

Open Access

Edited by Ann-Louise Schallin and Iphiyenia Tournavitou

Reviewed by Lynne A. Kvapil

The Transformation of Athens: Painted Pottery and the Creation of Classical Greece

Open Access

By Robin Osborne

Reviewed by Guy Hedreen

The Athenian Agora: Votive Reliefs

Open Access

By Carol L. Lawton

Reviewed by Kevin Clinton

Memories in Stone: Figured Grave Reliefs from Aegean Thrace

Open Access

By Dimitra Andrianou

Reviewed by Wendy E. Closterman

The Art of Libation in Classical Athens

Open Access

By Milette Gaifman

Reviewed by T.H. Carpenter

ΤΥΠΟΙ: Greek and Roman Coins Seen Through Their Images: “Noble” Issuers, “Humble” Users? Proceedings of the International Conference Organized by the Belgian and French Schools at Athens, 26–28 September 2012

Open Access

Edited by Panagiotis Iossif, François de Callataÿ, and Richard Veymiers

Reviewed by Nathan T. Elkins

Insularity and Identity in the Roman Mediterranean

Open Access

Edited by Anna Kouremenos

Reviewed by Alexander J. Smith

The Roman Retail Revolution: The Socio-Economic World of the Taberna

Open Access

By Steven J.R. Ellis

Reviewed by Ray Laurence

Autour des machines de Vitruve: L’ingénierie romaine. Textes, archéologie et restitution. Actes du colloque organisé par l’ERLIS à Caen (3–4 juin 2015).

Open Access

Edited by Sophie Madeleine and Philippe Fleury

Reviewed by Thomas Noble Howe

Du culte aux sanctuaires: L’architecture religieuse dans l’Afrique romaine et byzantine

Open Access

Edited by François Baratte, Véronique Brouquier-Reddé, and Elsa Rocca

Reviewed by Niccolò Mugnai

Die Brücke über die Majrada in Chimtou

Open Access

By Ulrike Hess, Klaus Müller, and Mustapha Khanoussi

Reviewed by Julia Nikolaus

East of Asia Minor: Rome’s Hidden Frontier

Open Access

By Timothy Bruce Mitford

Reviewed by Hugh Elton

New Cities in Late Antiquity: Documents and Archaeology

Open Access

Edited by Efthymios Rizos

Reviewed by Paolo Maranzana