October 2022 (126.4)

Browse the content of the issue below.

Field Reports

A Falcon Shrine at the Port of Berenike (Red Sea Coast, Egypt)(pp. 567–591)

Open Access

By Joan Oller Guzmán, David Fernández Abella, Vanesa Trevín Pita, Olaf E. Kaper, Rodney Ast, Marta Osypińska, and Steven E. Sidebotham

State of the Discipline

Archaeobotanical Research in Classical Archaeology(pp. 593–623)

Open Access

By Lisa Lodwick and Erica Rowan


Martha Sharp Joukowsky, 1936–2022(pp. 625–628)

Open Access

By Jarrett A. Lobell

Book Reviews

Pottery from Tell Khaiber: A Craft Tradition of the First Sealand Dynasty

Open Access

By Daniel Calderbank

Reviewed by Steve Renette

Life Histories of Theban Tombs: Transdisciplinary Investigations of a Cluster of Rock-Cut Tombs at Sheikh ‘Abd al-Qurna

Open Access

Edited by Andrea Loprieno-Gnirs

Reviewed by Stefan Bojowald

The Archaeology of Late Bronze Age Interaction and Mobility at the Gates of Europe: People, Things, and Networks Around the Southern Adriatic Sea

Open Access

By Francesco Iacono

Reviewed by Francesca Fulminante

Religion in the Art of Archaic and Classical Greece

Open Access

By Tyler Jo Smith

Reviewed by K.A. Rask

Olympia: A Cultural History

Open Access

By Judith M. Barringer

Reviewed by Stephan Lehmann

The Temple of Artemis at Sardis

Open Access

By Fikret K. Yegül

Reviewed by Thomas Noble Howe

Rhetoric and Innovation in Hellenistic Art

Open Access

By Kristen Seaman

Reviewed by Stephanie M. Langin-Hooper

Hellenistic Sealings and Archives: Proceedings of The Edfu Connection, An International Conference

Open Access

Edited by Branko F. van Oppen de Ruiter and Ronald Wallenfels

Reviewed by Noah Kaye

Poteri e strategie familiari di Volterra: Il caso di una comunità etrusca nel mondo romano

Open Access

By Valentina Limina

Reviewed by Alessandro Sebastiani

Destinations in Mind: Portraying Places on the Roman Empire’s Souvenirs

Open Access

By Kimberly Cassibry

Reviewed by Sinclair W. Bell

The Transition to Late Antiquity on the Lower Danube: Excavations and Survey at Dichin, a Late Roman to Early Byzantine Fort and a Roman Aqueduct

Open Access

By Andrew Poulter

Reviewed by Carolyn S. Snively

Books Received

List of Books Received

Open Access

AJA Index

Volume 126 (2022) Index

Open Access