April 2007 (111.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013


A Letter from the President(pp. 193–194)

Open Access

By C. Brian Rose


Archaeology in Turkey, 2004–2005(pp. 275–356)

By Bahadır Yıldırım and Marie-Henriette Gates

Online Museum Reviews

Gilded Splendor: Treasures of China’s Liao Empire (907–1125)

Open Access

By Victor Cunrui Xiong

Book Reviews

Fragments of the World: Uses of Museum Collections [and] The Body as Material Culture: A Theoretical Osteoarchaeology

Open Access

Fragments of the World, by Suzanne Keene; The Body as Material Culture, by Joanna R. Sofaer

Reviewed by Marshall Joseph Becker

Archaeologies of Materiality

Open Access

Edited by Lynn Meskell

Reviewed by Christopher Tilley

Knossos: The South House

Open Access

By P.A. Mountjoy

Reviewed by Eleni Hatzaki

Ayiorgitiká: The 1928 Excavations of Carl Blegen at a Neolithic to Early Helladic Settlement in Arcadia

Open Access

By Susan L. Petrakis

Reviewed by Lilian Karali

Studi in onore di Enrica Fiandra: Contributi di archaeologia egea e vicinorientale

Open Access

Edited by Massimo Perna

Reviewed by Martha H. Wiencke

Stelae from Egypt and Nubia in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, c. 3000 BC–AD 1150

Open Access

By Geoffrey Thorndike Martin

Reviewed by Alexandra von Lieven

Ceramics and Change in the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Levant [and] The Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods in the Southern Levant: New Data from the Site of Teleilat Ghassul, Jordan

Open Access

Ceramics and Change in the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Levant, edited by Graham Philip and Douglas Baird; The Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods in the Southern Levant, by Jaimie L. Lovell

Reviewed by Katherine I. Wright

The Excavations at Ancient Halieis. Vol. 1, The Fortifications and Adjacent Structures [and] Studi sulle fortificazioni Greche di Leontini

Open Access

The Excavations at Ancient Halieis, by Marian H. Mcallister; Studi sulle fortificazioni Greche di Leontini, by Salvatore Rizza

Reviewed by Anne Marie Carstens

L’élevage en Grèce (fin Ve–fin Ier s. a.C.): L’apport des sources épigraphiques

Open Access

By Christophe Chandezon

Reviewed by Paul Halstead

Statuarische Gruppen in der frühen griechischen Kunst

Open Access

By Helga Bumke

Reviewed by Ellen Perry

Picturing Death in Classical Athens: The Evidence of the White Lekythoi

Open Access

By John H. Oakley

Reviewed by Mark D. Stansbury-O’Donnell

Trade Relations in the Eastern Mediterranean from the Late Hellenistic Period to Late Antiquity: The Ceramic Evidence

Open Access

Edited by Maria Berg Briese and Leif Erik Vaag

Reviewed by Kristina Winther Jacobsen

The Numismatic Iconography of the Roman Colonies in Greece: Local Spirit and the Expression of Imperial Policy

Open Access

By Harikleia Papageorgiadou-Bani

Reviewed by William E. Metcalf

Ägyptens späte Blüte: Die Römer am Nil

Open Access

By Katja Lembke

Reviewed by Helen Whitehouse

Pichvnari. Results of Excavations Conducted by the Joint Britishgeorgian Pichvnari Expedition. Vol. 1, Pichvnari 1998–2002: Greeks and Colchians on the East Coast of the Black Sea

Open Access

By M. Vickers and A. Kakhidze

Reviewed by Zosia H. Archibald

Brickstamps of Constantinople

Open Access

By Jonathan Bardill

Reviewed by Ken Dark