April 2014 (118.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.

Field Reports

The Great Temple of Early Bronze I Megiddo(pp. 285–305)

By Matthew J. Adams, Israel Finkelstein, and David Ussishkin

Life and Death of a Bronze Age House: Excavation of Early Minoan I Levels at Priniatikos Pyrgos(pp. 307–358)

By Barry Molloy, Jo Day, Sue Bridgford, Valasia Isaakidou, Eleni Nodarou, Georgia Kotzamani, Marina Milić, Tristan Carter, Polly Westlake, Vera Klontza-Jaklova, Ellinor Larsson, and Barbara J. Hayden

Book Reviews

Archaeology: The Discipline of Things

Open Access

By Bjørnar Olsen, Michael Shanks, Timothy Webmoor, and Christopher Witmore

Reviewed by Thomas E. Emerson

Social Zooarchaeology: Humans and Animals in Prehistory

Open Access

By Nerissa Russell

Reviewed by Deborah Ruscillo

Earth Resistance for Archaeologists

Open Access

By Armin Schmidt

Reviewed by Apostolos Sarris

DNA for Archaeologists

Open Access

By Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith and K. Ann Horsburgh

Reviewed by Zuzana Chovanec

All the King’s Horses: Essays on the Impact of Looting and the Illicit Antiquities Trade on Our Knowledge of the Past

Open Access

Edited by Paula K. Lazrus and Alex W. Barker

Reviewed by Ellis E. McDowell-Loudan

Thirst: Water and Power in the Ancient World

Open Access

By Steven J. Mithen

Reviewed by Adam Rogers

Commerce and Colonization in the Ancient Near East

Open Access

By María Eugenia Aubet

Reviewed by Philip Boyes

The Late MBA and LBA Pottery Horizons at Qatna: Innovation and Conservation in the Ceramic Tradition of a Regional Capital and the Implications for Second Millennium Syrian Chronology

Open Access

By Marco Iamoni

Reviewed by Felix Höflmayer

Household Archaeology in Ancient Israel and Beyond

Open Access

Edited by Assaf Yasur-Landau, Jennie R. Ebeling, and Laura B. Mazow

Reviewed by Miriam Müller

Cities and the Shaping of Memory in the Ancient Near East

Open Access

By Ömür Harmanşah

Reviewed by Geoff Emberling

Eastern Mediterranean Metallurgy and Metalwork in the Second Millennium BC: A Conference in Honour of James D. Muhly, Nicosia, 10th–11th October 2009

Open Access

Edited by Vasiliki Kassianidou and George Papasavvas

Reviewed by Nicholas G. Blackwell

Materiality and Consumption in the Bronze Age Mediterranean

Open Access

By Louise Steel

Reviewed by Jorrit M. Kelder

Individuals and Society in Mycenaean Pylos

Open Access

By Dimitri Nakassis

Reviewed by Katie Lantzas

Vessels and Variety: New Aspects of Ancient Pottery

Open Access

Edited by Hanne Thomasen, Annette Rathje, and Kristen Bøggild Johannsen

Reviewed by Justin St. P. Walsh

Dei nello spazio degli uomini: I culti dell’agora e la costruzione di Corinto arcaica

Open Access

By Rachele Dubbini

Reviewed by Paul D. Scotton

Das Heiligtum der Artemis Hemera in Lousoi: Kleinfunde aus den Grabungen 1986–2000

Open Access

By Veronika Mitsopoulos-Leon

Reviewed by Joannis Mylonopoulos

Medusa’s Gaze: The Extraordinary Journey of the Tazza Farnese

Open Access

By Marina Belozerskaya

Reviewed by Glenda Middleton Swan

Regional Pathways to Complexity: Settlement and Land-Use Dynamics in Early Italy from the Bronze Age to the Republican Period

Open Access

By Peter Attema, Gert Jan Burgers, and Martijn van Leusen

Reviewed by Simon Stoddart

Veii, the Historical Topography of the Ancient City: A Restudy of John Ward-Perkins’s Survey

Open Access

Edited by Roberta Cascino, Helga Di Giuseppe, and Helen L. Patterson

Reviewed by Lucy Shipley

Women and Visual Replication in Roman Imperial Art and Culture

Open Access

By Jennifer Trimble

Reviewed by Barbara Kellum

Vesuvian Sigillata at Pompeii

Open Access

By Jaye McKenzie-Clark

Reviewed by Kathleen Warner Slane

Imperial Cult and Imperial Representation in Roman Cyprus

Open Access

By Takashi Fujii

Reviewed by Jody Michael Gordon

The Ceremonial Sculptures of the Roman Gods

Open Access

By Brian Madigan

Reviewed by Philip Kiernan

Books Received

List of Books Received

Open Access