January 2022 (126.1)

Browse the content of the issue below.


A Letter from the Editors-in-Chief(pp. 1–3)

Open Access

By Emma Blake and Robert Schon


Theater and Dionysiac Cult on Samothrace and Its Peraia(pp. 5–29)

By Amalia Avramidou

The Boxing Writer Paul Gallico on the Terme Boxer(pp. 31–51)

By Brian Brennan

Forging the Roman Rural Economy: A Blacksmithing Workshop and Its Tool Set at Marzuolo (Tuscany)(pp. 53–77)

By Astrid Van Oyen, Gijs W. Tol, Rhodora G. Vennarucci, Alexander Agostini, Vincent Serneels, Anna Maria Mercuri, Eleonora Rattighieri, and Alessandra Benatti

Ephemeral Heritage: Boats, Migration, and the Central Mediterranean Passage(pp. 79–102)

By Elizabeth S. Greene, Justin Leidwanger, and Leopoldo Repola

Field Reports

Nomads Trading with Empires: Intercultural Trade in Ancient Somaliland in the First to Seventh Centuries CE(pp. 103–138)

Open Access

By Alfredo González-Ruibal, Jorge de Torres, Candela Martínez Barrio, Manuel Antonio Franco Fernández, Adolfo Fernández Fernández, Pablo Gutiérrez de León Juberías, José Yravedra Sainz de los Terreros, Michela Gaudiello, and Ahmed Jama Dualeh


Elizabeth B. French, 1931–2021(pp. 161–164)

Open Access

By Kim Shelton

Online Review Articles

Becoming Human: The Archaeology of John C. Barrett

Open Access

By Stratos Nanoglou

Book Reviews

Finding Fairness: From Pleistocene Foragers to Contemporary Capitalists

Open Access

By Justin Jennings

Reviewed by Thomas E. Emerson

An Enchantment of Digital Archaeology: Raising the Dead with Agent-Based Models, Archaeogaming and Artificial Intelligence

Open Access

By Shawn Graham

Reviewed by Kevin Garstki

Rituals, Collapse, and Radical Transformation in Archaic States

Open Access

Edited by Joanne M.A. Murphy

Reviewed by Guy D. Middleton

Ancient Egypt and Early China: State, Society, and Culture

Open Access

By Anthony J. Barbieri-Low

Reviewed by Danijela Stefanović

Wine Jars and Jar Makers of Cyprus: The Ethnoarchaeology of Pitharia

Open Access

By Gloria London

Reviewed by Sophocles Hadjisavvas

Les arrière-pays des cités phéniciennes à l’époque hellénistique (IVe–Ier s. av. N.È.): Approches historique et spatiale d'une aire géoculturelle

Open Access

By Élodie Guillon

Reviewed by Hélène Sader

Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. Vol. 9, The Monuments of the Eastern Hill

Open Access

By Bonna D. Wescoat, with contributions by Carmen Arnold-Biucchi, Susan Ludi Blevins, Sheila Dillon, Nora M. Dimitrova, Laura M. Gadbery, Jasper Gaunt, Kira K. Jones, Amy Sowder Koch, Maggie L. Popkin, and Devon A. Stewart

Reviewed by Gretchen Umholtz

Culti domestici in Italia meridionale ed Etruria

Open Access

By Aura Piccioni

Reviewed by Alexandra Sofroniew

Foodways in Roman Republican Italy

Open Access

By Laura M. Banducci

Reviewed by Erica Rowan

Oplontis: Villa A (“of Poppaea”) at Torre Annunziata, Italy. Volume 2, The Decorations: Painting, Stucco, Pavements, Sculptures

Open Access

Edited by John R. Clarke and Nayla K. Muntasser

Reviewed by Thomas Noble Howe

Painting, Poetry, and the Invention of Tenderness in the Early Roman Empire

Open Access

By Hérica Valladares

Reviewed by Nathaniel B. Jones

The Busy Periphery: Urban Systems of the Balkan and Danube Provinces (2nd–3rd c. AD)

Open Access

By Damjan Donev

Reviewed by Matthew Schueller

Books Received

List of Books Received

Open Access