October 2018 (122.4)

Browse the content of the issue below.

Field Reports

Exploring Space, Economy, and Interregional Interaction at a Second-Millennium B.C.E. Citadel in Central Western Anatolia: 2014-2017 Research at Kaymakçı(pp. 645–688)

Open Access

By Christopher Roosevelt, Christina Luke, Sinan Ünlüsoy, Canan Çakırlar, John M. Marston, Caitlin R. O’Grady, Peter Pavúk, Magda Pieniążek, Jana Mokrišová, Catherine B. Scott, Nami Shin and Francesca G. Slim

Online Museum Reviews

Marketing Trajan at the Museo dei Fori Imperiali

Open Access

By Jeremy Hartnett

Book Reviews

Abundance: The Archaeology of Plenitude

Open Access

Edited by Monica L. Smith

Reviewed by Erica Rowan

Understanding Collapse: Ancient History and Modern Myths

Open Access

By Guy D. Middleton

Reviewed by Joseph A. Tainter

The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Ceramic Analysis

Open Access

Edited by Alice M.W. Hunt

Reviewed by Carla M. Sinopoli

The Archaeology of the Caucasus: From Earliest Settlements to the Iron Age

Open Access

By Antonio Sagona

Reviewed by Isabelle Coupal and Benjamin Irvine

Framing Archaeology in the Near East: The Application of Social Theory to Fieldwork

Open Access

Edited by Ianir Milevski and Thomas E. Levy

Reviewed by Nicola Laneri

Τσέπι Μαραθῶνος: Ὁ Ἀποθέτης 39 Τοῦ Προϊστορικοὺ Νεκροταφεῖου

Open Access

By Maria Pantelidou-Gofa

Reviewed by Margarita Nazou

Expressions of Cult in the Southern Levant in the Greco-Roman Period: Manifestations in Text and Material Culture

Open Access

Edited by Oren Tal and Zeev Weiss

Reviewed by Jane DeRose Evans

Die Felsgräber der Könige von Pontos in Amasya

Open Access

By Robert Fleischer

Reviewed by Paavo Roos

Parian Polyandreia: The Late Geometric Funerary Legacy of Cremated Soldiers’ Bones on Socio-Political Affairs and Military Organizational Preparedness in Ancient Greece

Open Access

By Anagnostis P. Agelarakis

Reviewed by Carrie L. Sulosky Weaver

Bronze Vessels from the Acropolis: Style and Decoration in Athenian Production Between the Sixth and Fifth Centuries BC

Open Access

By Chiara Tarditi

Reviewed by Nassos Papalexandrou

A Greek Settlement at Sant’Angelo Vecchio

Open Access

By Francesca Silvestrelli and Ingrid E.M. Edlund-Berry

Reviewed by Katherine B. Harrington

Coins, Artists, and Tyrants: Syracuse in the Time of the Peloponnesian War

Open Access

By Wolfgang R. Fischer-Bossert, edited by Ute Wartenberg

Reviewed by Paolo Visonà

The Frame in Classical Art: A Cultural History

Open Access

Edited by Verity Platt and Michael Squire

Reviewed by Peter Schultz

The Potenza Valley Survey (Marche, Italy): Settlement Dynamics and Changing Material Culture in an Adriatic Valley Between Iron Age and Late Antiquity

Open Access

Edited by Frank Vermeulen, Dimitri Van Limbergen, Patrick Monsieur, and Devi Taelman

Reviewed by Jesús García Sánchez

The Image of Political Power in the Reign of Nerva, AD 96–98

Open Access

By Nathan T. Elkins

Reviewed by Susann S. Lusnia

Évolution d’un quartier de Forum Iulii: Des Julio-Claudiens à Dioclétien

Open Access

By Michel Pasqualini, Isabelle Rodet-Belarbi, and Véronique Blanc-Bijon

Reviewed by James F.D. Frakes

Terracotta Lamps II: 1967–2004

Open Access

By Birgitta Lindros Wohl

Reviewed by Arja Karivieri

The Archaeology of Death in Roman Syria: Burial, Commemoration, and Empire

Open Access

By Lidewijde de Jong

Reviewed by Valerie Hope

Hadrianopolis III: Ceramic Finds from Southwestern Paphlagonia

Open Access

By Ergün Laflı and Gülseren Kan Şahin

Reviewed by Philip Bes

Le théâtre d’Aphrodisias: Les structures scéniques

Open Access

By Nathalie de Chaisemartin and Dinu Theodorescu

Reviewed by Valentina Di Napoli

AJA Index

Volume 122 (2018) Index

Open Access


Erratum(pp. 689–689)

Open Access