October 2020 (124.4)

Browse the content of the issue below.

Field Reports

A Recently Discovered Spring Source of the Aqua Traiana at Vicarello, Lazio(pp. 659–693)

Open Access

By Rabun Taylor, Edward O’Neill, Katherine W. Rinne, Giovanni Isidori, Michael O’Neill, and R. Benjamin Gorham


Alexander Cambitoglou, 1922-2019(pp. 695–698)

Open Access

By John K. Papadopoulos

Book Reviews

Memory and Nation Building: From Ancient Times to the Islamic State

Open Access

By Michael L. Galaty

Reviewed by Katina T. Lillios

The Evolution of Fragility: Setting the Terms

Open Access

Edited by Norman Yoffee

Reviewed by Guy D. Middleton

Archaeologies of Gender and Violence

Open Access

Edited by Uroš Matić and Bo Jensen

Reviewed by Kate Harrell

Violence and the Sacred in the Ancient Near East: Girardian Conversations at Çatalhöyük

Open Access

Edited by Ian Hodder

Reviewed by Mattia Cartolano

Burials, Migration and Identity in the Ancient Sahara and Beyond

Open Access

Edited by M.C. Gatto, D.J. Mattingly, N. Ray, and M. Sterry

Reviewed by Robert James Stark

Palaikastro Building 1

Open Access

Edited by J.A. MacGillivray and L.H. Sackett

Reviewed by John C. McEnroe

Il cosiddetto “Relitto di Pignataro di Fuori” di Lipari: Una revisione del contesto dell’Età del Bronzo a cinquant’anni dalla sua scoperta

Open Access

By Alba Mazza

Reviewed by Davide Tanasi

Greek Colonization in Local Contexts: Case Studies in Colonial Interactions

Open Access

Edited by Jason Lucas, Carrie Ann Murray, and Sara Owen

Reviewed by Megan J. Daniels

Early Greek Portraiture. Monuments and Histories

Open Access

By Catherine M. Keesling

Reviewed by Kristen Seaman

La cité des regards: Autour de François Lissarrague

Open Access

Edited by Vasiliki Zachari, Élise Lehoux, and Noémie Hosoi

Reviewed by Eric W. Driscoll

The Ancient Greek Farmstead

Open Access

By Maeve McHugh

Reviewed by Peter S. Allen

Reset in Stone: Memory and Reuse in Ancient Athens

Open Access

By Sarah A. Rous

Reviewed by Jon M. Frey

Reconstructing the Lansdowne Collection of Classical Marbles

Open Access

By Elizabeth Angelicoussis

Reviewed by Janet Burnett Grossman

Decoration and Display in Rome’s Imperial Thermae: Messages of Power and Their Popular Reception at the Baths of Caracalla

Open Access

By Maryl B. Gensheimer

Reviewed by Anne Hrychuk Kontokosta

Infancy and Earliest Childhood in the Roman World: “A Fragment of Time”

Open Access

By Maureen Carroll

Reviewed by Sinclair W. Bell

Funerary Archaeology and Changing Identities: Community Practices in Roman-Period Sardinia

Open Access

By Mauro Puddu

Reviewed by Allison L.C. Emmerson

Women, Children, and the Family in Palmyra

Open Access

Edited by Signe Krag and Rubina Raja

Reviewed by Alice Christ

Stamps on Terra Sigillata Found in Excavations of the Theatre of Aptera, Crete

Open Access

By Martha W. Baldwin Bowsky

Reviewed by Jane Francis

Roman Amphorae in Neuss: Augustan to Julio-Claudian Contexts

Open Access

By Horacio González Cesteros and Piero Berni Millet

Reviewed by Kostas Filis

Sanctuaries in Roman Dacia: Materiality and Religious Experience

Open Access

By Csaba Szabó

Reviewed by Damjan Donev

Les Mosaïques Romaines et Byzantines de Syrie du Nord: La Collection du Musée de Maarrat al-Nu‘man

Open Access

By Komait Abdallah

Reviewed by Karen Britt

The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Archaeology

Open Access

Edited by David K. Pettegrew, William R. Caraher, and Thomas W. Davis

Reviewed by Kilian Mallon

AJA Index

Volume 124 (2020) Index

Open Access