January 2008 (112.1)
Browse the content of the issue below.
Browse the content of the issue below.
By Derek B. Counts
By Gianfranco Adornato
By Diana E.E. Kleiner and Bridget Buxton
By Ivo D. Cholakov and Krastyu Chukalev
By Eugene N. Borza
By John R. Clarke
Open Access
Edited by Miriam S. Balmuth, David K. Chester, and Patricia A. Johnston
Reviewed by Floyd W. McCoy
Open Access
By Anna Marguerite Mccann and John Peter Oleson
Reviewed by David L. Stone
Open Access
By Robin Skeates
Reviewed by Renata Grifoni Cremonesi
Open Access
By Celia J. Bergoffen
Reviewed by Gianmarco Alberti
Open Access
By Joan Breton Connelly
Reviewed by Barbette Stanley Spaeth
Open Access
By Sheila Dillon
Reviewed by Eve D’Ambra
Open Access
By Judith A. Corbelli
Reviewed by Janet Burnett Grossman
Open Access
By Lucio Fiorini
Reviewed by Robert Leighton
Open Access
By Lars Karlsson
Reviewed by Anthony Tuck
Open Access
By Felice Gino Lo Porto
Reviewed by E.G.D. Robinson
Open Access
Edited by Lothar Haselberger and John Humphrey
Reviewed by Philip Stinson
Open Access
Edited by Ingrid Edlund-Berry, Giovanna Greco, and John Kenfield
Reviewed by Nancy T. de Grummond
Open Access
By Francesca Paola Porten Palange
Reviewed by Phillip Kenrick