January 2008 (112.1)

Browse the content of the issue below.

AJA 1987-2013


A Letter from the Editor-in-Chief(pp. 1–1)

Open Access

By Naomi J. Norman


Archaeology in Bulgaria, 2006 Season(pp. 143–170)

By Ivo D. Cholakov and Krastyu Chukalev

Print Museum Reviews

Rethinking Space, Light, and Pedagogy(pp. 173–177)

By John R. Clarke

Book Reviews

Briefwechsel Klenze–Ross 1834–1854

Open Access

Reviewed by William M. Calder III

Cultural Responses to the Volcanic Landscape: The Mediterranean and Beyond

Open Access

Edited by Miriam S. Balmuth, David K. Chester, and Patricia A. Johnston

Reviewed by Floyd W. McCoy

Deep-Water Shipwrecks Off Skerki Bank: The 1997 Survey

Open Access

By Anna Marguerite Mccann and John Peter Oleson

Reviewed by David L. Stone

The Catapult: A History

Open Access

By Tracey Rihll

Reviewed by Duncan B. Campbell

Visual Culture and Archaeology: Art and Social Life In Prehistoric Southeast Italy

Open Access

By Robin Skeates

Reviewed by Renata Grifoni Cremonesi

The Cypriot Bronze Age Pottery from Sir Leonard Woolley’s Excavations at Alalakh (Tell Atchana)

Open Access

By Celia J. Bergoffen

Reviewed by Gianmarco Alberti

Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece

Open Access

By Joan Breton Connelly

Reviewed by Barbette Stanley Spaeth


Open Access

Edited by Nikolaos Kaltsas

Reviewed by A.A. Donohue

Ancient Greek Portrait Sculpture: Contexts, Subjects, and Styles

Open Access

By Sheila Dillon

Reviewed by Eve D’Ambra

The Art of Death in Graeco-Roman Egypt

Open Access

By Judith A. Corbelli

Reviewed by Janet Burnett Grossman

Topografia generale e storia del santuario: Analisi dei contesti e delle stratigrafie

Open Access

By Lucio Fiorini

Reviewed by Robert Leighton

San Giovenale: Results of Excavations Conducted by the Swedish Institute of Classical Studies at Rome and the Soprintendenza alle Antichità dell’Etruria Meridionale. Area F East. Huts and Houses on the Acropolis

Open Access

By Lars Karlsson

Reviewed by Anthony Tuck

Il deposito prelaconico di Borgo Nuovo a Taranto

Open Access

By Felice Gino Lo Porto

Reviewed by E.G.D. Robinson

Imaging Ancient Rome: Documentation, Visualization, Imagination

Open Access

Edited by Lothar Haselberger and John Humphrey

Reviewed by Philip Stinson

Floods of the Tiber in Ancient Rome

Open Access

By Gregory S. Aldrete

Reviewed by Lynne Lancaster

Deliciae Fictiles. Vol. 3, Architectural Terracottas in Ancient Italy: New Developments and Interpretations. Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the American Academy In Rome, November 7–8, 2002

Open Access

Edited by Ingrid Edlund-Berry, Giovanna Greco, and John Kenfield

Reviewed by Nancy T. de Grummond

Katalog der Punzenmotive in der Arretinischen Reliefkeramik

Open Access

By Francesca Paola Porten Palange

Reviewed by Phillip Kenrick