April 2017 (121.2)

Browse the content of the issue below.

Online Necrologies

Charalambos Bouras, 1933–2016

Open Access

By Nassos Papalexandrou

Book Reviews

Climate and Ancient Societies

Open Access

Edited by Susanne Kerner, Rachael J. Dann, and Pernille Bangsgaard

Reviewed by Guy D. Middleton

Kition-Bamboula VI: Le sanctuaire sous la colline

Open Access

By Annie Caubet, Sabine Fourrier, and Marguerite Yon

Reviewed by Pamela Gaber

The Image of the Artist in Archaic and Classical Greece: Art, Poetry, and Subjectivity

Open Access

By Guy Hedreen

Reviewed by Robin Osborne

Origins of Classical Architecture: Temples, Orders and Gifts to the Gods in Ancient Greece

Open Access

By Mark Wilson Jones

Reviewed by Rhys F. Townsend

Le temps de Rhodes: Une chronologie des inscriptions de la cité fondée sur l’étude de ses institutions

Open Access

By Nathan Badoud

Reviewed by John Lund

L’architecture monumentale grecque au IIIe siècle a.C.

Open Access

Edited by Jacques des Courtils

Reviewed by Mary B. Hollinshead

Authentizität und Originalität antiker Bronzebildnisse: Ein gefälschtes Augustusbildnis, seine Voraussetzungen und sein Umfeld/Authenticity and Originality of Ancient Bronze Portraits: A Forged Portrait of Augustus, Its Prerequisites, and Its Surroundings

Open Access

Edited by Stephan Lehmann

Reviewed by Carol C. Mattusch

Power and Pathos: Bronze Sculpture of the Hellenistic World

Open Access

Edited by Jens M. Daehner and Kenneth Lapatin

Reviewed by John North Hopkins

The Archaeology of Nuragic Sardinia

Open Access

By Gary Webster

Reviewed by Kyle P. Freund

Housing the Chosen: The Architectural Context of Mystery Groups and Religious Associations in the Ancient World

Open Access

By Inge Nielsen

Reviewed by Sandra Blakely

Medicine and Healing in the Ancient Mediterranean World

Open Access

Edited by Demetrios Michaelides

Reviewed by Zuzana Chovanec

Cultural Memories in the Roman Empire

Open Access

Edited by Karl Galinsky and Kenneth Lapatin

Reviewed by Margaret M. Andrews

Building for Eternity: The History and Technology of Roman Concrete Engineering in the Sea

Open Access

By C.J. Brandon, R.L. Hohlfelder, M.D. Jackson, and J.P. Oleson

Reviewed by Mark Wilson Jones

Columbarium Tombs and Collective Identity in Augustan Rome

Open Access

By Dorian Borbonus

Reviewed by Emanuel Mayer

Monuments in Miniature: Architecture on Roman Coinage

Open Access

By Nathan T. Elkins

Reviewed by Elizabeth Wolfram Thill

Civic Monuments and the Augustales in Roman Italy

Open Access

By Margaret L. Laird

Reviewed by Julia Lenaghan

Art of Empire: The Roman Frescoes and Imperial Cult Chamber in Luxor Temple

Open Access

Edited by Michael Jones and Susanna McFadden

Reviewed by Anne Hunnell Chen

Excavations at Zeugma

Open Access

Edited by William Aylward

Reviewed by David Parrish

The Ceramics Industry of Roman Sikyon: A Technological Study

Open Access

By Conor P. Trainor

Reviewed by Jaye McKenzie-Clark

Hidden Lives, Public Personae: Women and Civic Life in the Roman West

Open Access

By Emily A. Hemelrijk

Reviewed by Tatiana Ivleva

Books Received

List of Books Received

Open Access