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AJA Authors
Joanna K. Rądkowska
Adam Rabinowitz
Lana Radloff
Karen Radner
Noura Rahmani
Rubina Raja
Uriel Rappaport
K.A. Rask
Christopher Ratté
Eleonora Rattighieri
Alexandra Ratzlaff
Nicholas K. Rauh
Marcus Rautman
Georgina Rayner
Saša Redžić
Jane Reed
Gary Reger
Thilo Rehren
Steve Renette
Colin Renfrew
Leopoldo Repola
Alexandra Retzleff
Iraj Rezaei
Eliya Ribak
Lee Ann Riccardi
Sara Rich
Julian Richard
John D. Richards
M.B. Richardson
Brunilde S. Ridgway
Jürgen W. Riethmüller
Christina Riggs
Katherine W. Rinne
Lauren Ristvet
James Roames
Benjamin Roberts
Elizabeth C. Robinson
E.G.D. Robinson
Betsey A. Robinson
Damian Robinson
James Robson
Gretel Rodríguez
Dylan Kelby Rogers
Adam Rogers
Darrell J. Rohl
Felipe Rojas
Gary O. Rollefson
Matthew Roller
Duane W. Roller
Lynn E. Roller
Christopher Rollston
Robin Rönnlund
Paavo Roos
Christopher Roosevelt
Charles Brian Rose
Danny Rosenberg
John H. Rosser
Jeremy Rossiter
Roman Roth
Richard M. Rothaus
Ursula Rothe
Kenneth S. Rothwell, Jr.
Susan I. Rotroff
Vanessa Rousseau
Denis Rousset
Konstantinos Roussos
Erica Rowan
Jeffrey G. Royal
Karen S. Rubinson
Clive Ruggles
Jörg Rüpke
Deborah Ruscillo
Nerissa Russell
Ben Russell
Jeremy B. Rutter