Learn more about American Journal of Archaeology authors, their research, and their AJA publications. If you are an author and would like to update your profile, please contact the AJA at aja@archaeological.org.
AJA Authors
Athena Hadji
Sophocles Hadjisavvas
Donald C. Haggis
Ville Hakanen
Mette Marie Hald
Shelley Hales
John F. Hall
Paul Halstead
Anique Hamelink
Yannis Hamilakis
Emily Hammer
Søren Handberg
Lise Hannestad
Niels Hannestad
J.W. Hanson
Anthony Harding
Amanda Hardman
Deborah Harlan
James A. Harrell
Kate Harrell
Katherine Harrell
Katherine B. Harrington
W.V. Harris
Laura K. Harrison
George W.M. Harrison
Timothy Harrison
Jeremy Hartnett
Seiro Haruta
Sarah Harvey
Michael G. Hasel
Halford W. Haskell
Helene Blinkenberg Hastrup
Eleni Hatzaki
Miltiades Hatzopoulos
Brendan Haug
Ralph Häussler
Barbara J. Hayden
Joyce Haynes
Sebastian Heath
Laura E. Heath-Stout
Guy Hedreen
Michael Heinzelmann
Olivier Hekster
Winfried Held
Marguerite Helmers
Barbara Helwing
Seán Hemingway
Martin Henig
Jan-Marc Henke
Carly Henkel
Suzanne Herbordt
Amanda Herring
Edward Herring
Nicholas Herrmann
Virginia R. Herrmann
Ellen Herscher
Susan Heuck Allen
Maura K. Heyn
Jill Hilditch
Catherine Hills
Richard Hingley
Nicolle Hirschfeld
R. Bruce Hitchner
Fiona Hobden
Matthew S. Hobson
Gail L. Hoffman
Felix Höflmayer
Shannon LaFayette Hogue
Robert L. Hohlfelder
Antonia Holden
Lora Holland Goldthwaite
Claire Holleran
Peter J. Holliday
Mary B. Hollinshead
R. Ross Holloway
Julie Hollowell
Emily Holt
Samuel Holzman
Soonhwa Hong
Valerie Hope
Colin A. Hope
John North Hopkins
Mara T. Horowitz
Liane Houghtalin
Erella Hovers
Thomas Noble Howe
Carrie Hritz
Julie Hruby
Nicholas F. Hudson
Jeremy Huggett
Lisa A. Hughes
John W. Humphrey
Jeffrey M. Hurwit
Stéphanie Huysecom-Haxhi